Medicon 2024 - Turkey

PR Committee
June 28, 2024

All the Way From Antalya - Turkey

Six of our esteemed members, Elissar Ezzeddine, Jana Said, Raghida Morshed, Nathalie Fakhereddine, Riwa Dimashki, and Shiraz Hilal, recently took off to Antalya, Türkiye, for Medicon 2024. Beyond the official event, we spent three delightful days soaking in the beauty of this enchanting country.

We had the honor of representing Lebanon with Rotaractors from De Beyrouth Millenium, Zgharta, Batroun, and Sahel Matn.

Our Lebanese booth displayed the vibrant beauty of our culture, building connections and honoring our common Rotaract principles.

Some members embraced the thrill of canoeing on a scenic river, while others reveled in the fantastical world of the Land of Legends.

Our stay at the stunning Mediterranean Sea was an absolute treat, offering breathtaking views and unique relaxation.

The official events were equally enriching. We participated in the final Rotaract Mediterranean board meeting, where we discussed the year's achievements, challenges, and future plans.

Medicon also hosted the annual Peace Conference, featuring three incredible speakers. Our very own Immediate Past  President Jaleel Chehayeb served as the chairperson of this thought-provoking event, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees.

The highlight of the trip was undoubtedly the Gala Dinner. Nathalie Fakhereddine, our Public Relations Director, served as the Master of Ceremony for the evening.

We celebrated a phenomenal year of achievements, culminating in the announcement of the award winners by our outgoing President, Mohamad Shalaby.

All the Way From Cappadocia

Nathalie Fakhereddine our PR Director, wasn't quite ready to leave the magic of Medicon behind heading straight to Cappadocia for an unforgettable post-conference adventure.

Day 1: Stepping Back in Time

The first day we went deep underground, exploring a hidden city that whispered stories of the past.

To end the day on a high note, we hopped on ATVs for a thrilling ride that ended with a magnificent sunset view from a hilltop overlooking the Kızılçukur Valley.

The first night in Cappadocia ended with a delicious traditional dinner, but let's say sleep was in short supply.

Day 2: Exploring Wonders & Traditions

Our alarms went off at a crazy early hour – 3 am to be exact! Why so early? Because we were about to experience a sunrise hot air balloon ride over Cappadocia that would be unforgettable!Soaring above the landscape as the sun peeked over the horizon was breathtaking.

With over 100 balloons painting the sky with vibrant colors – it's an experience that words can't truly describe. Trust us, even the most amazing photos don't do it justice.

With a few hours of rest, we continued our day exploring the otherworldly landscapes of Paşabağ and Love Valley, where unique rock formations and ancient cave dwellings captivated our imaginations. Later, we immersed ourselves in the art of pottery at a local workshop, witnessing firsthand the stunning traditional and original work showcased at the Aladdine Art Gallery.

The evening was a full sensory experience. We tucked into a delicious traditional Turkish dinner, followed by some seriously impressive traditional dance performances. The night got even more exciting with a wedding show – some of us even got to participate! It was a blast getting a taste of Turkish culture firsthand.

A Night of Delight and Farewell

The Medicon event was more than just a celebration of a successful year and fresh starts, or an opportunity to discover new places. It provided a platform to connect, immerse in a different culture, and build memories that will endure.

A huge thank you to the Host Organizing Committee for their exceptional planning and warm hospitality. Their efforts truly made our journey unforgettable.