Aley Gets Away

Our recent club retreat wasn't just a getaway; it was a sparkling journey through the allure of the Great Gatsby era! Dressed in vintage finery, we stepped back in time, strutting our stuff on a Gatsby-themed catwalk.

In a close competition, IPP Jaleel Chehayeb claimed the top spot, followed by PR Director Nathalie Fakhereddine and Interact Liaison Officer Taleen Ghayda in a three-way tie for second.

But beyond the dazzling costumes and lively festivities, the true treasure unearthed on this retreat was the strength of our bonds. Sharing laughter, deep conversations, and heartwarming moments solidified the connections that make our club a family.

Our Gatsby adventure unfolded in dazzling stages. The retreat kicked off with an immersive experience at Deir al Kalaa, where we embraced our rich heritage and reveled in the breathtaking beauty of this historic landmark.

Next, we embarked on a captivating journey to the zoo in Beit Meri, where we encountered beautiful animals and marveled at the wonders of the animal kingdom.

Throughout the retreat, we were joined by our national support and friends: our Incoming DRR Elie Gharios, District Executive Mira Machmouchi, and VDRR Mohammad Fakhoury. Their presence added even more joy and inspiration to our Gatsby escapade.

This retreat wasn't just about recreating a bygone era; it was about rediscovering the timeless value of connection and fellowship. We returned with hearts full of cherished memories and a renewed sense of the magic that unfolds when we come together as a club.