From A to Z Camp

We're excited to share the highlights of our recent event, the "From A to Z Camp," which brought together the Rotaract Club of Aley and the Rotaract Club of Zahle Capitol. This joint effort blended club service, personal development, and community service, with participation from clubs of Kesrouan and Batroun.

A Blend of Activities and Bonding

On September 30th, we embarked on a memorable journey filled with various activities, fostering fellowship among all participants. Ice-breaking activities and games started things off, helping us build connections and friendships.

Starry Night PD Session

Under the starlit sky, we engaged in a captivating professional development session led by the USJ Astronomy Club. The topic? Astrology! It was an intriguing exploration of celestial bodies and their impact on our lives, expanding our horizons in the process.

Dancing in the Rain

Nature surprised us with an unexpected rain shower, but we didn't let it dampen our spirits. Instead, we embraced the rain, dancing and creating unforgettable memories.

Planting Hope for a Greener Future

With our sleeves rolled up alongside the help of the municipality, our members planted a total of 31 trees in the picturesque Chbeniyi area. Each tree symbolized a pledge to nurture our environment, a promise to future generations, and a commitment to fostering a healthier planet.

On the following day, we continued with "Plant Your Map" for a community service event. This endeavor not only reinforced our dedication to making a positive impact but also highlighted the essential role Rotaractors play in creating a greener, more sustainable world.