Matte Tasting

Let's relive the magic of Matte Tasting 6.0!
This annual ritual club service project was everything we hoped for and more – As the Millies quoted "Matte, Sun, Music and Warm People."

The sixth edition kicked things off with some exciting drinking games, followed by a delicious lunch barbecue that we all prepared together.  The sunny weather was the perfect backdrop as we stretched out on the grass, enjoying engaging talks and fellowship.

To end this special day, all participants received a unique souvenir – a customized Matte with the Rotary wheel engraved on it!  A cherished memento of the event, it perfectly captured the spirit of the day.

For our new members, this event was a delightful introduction to the world of Matte. We even added a special twist to it, making their first experience truly unforgettable!

We were honored to have the current and past presidents of Interact Aley join us, along with members from Rotaract de Beyrouth Millennium and Tyre.

A huge shout out to Beit Nasa for providing the perfect venue, and a heartfelt thank you to the incredible organizing committee for putting together such a beautiful club service event.

We can't wait to see you all again next year for another unforgettable Matte Tasting experience!